donderdag 27 juni 2013

Myn FirefoxOS mobyl útpakke mei playmobil

As in Mozilla Rep en as oersetter haw ik it foarrjocht om in FirefoxOS telefoan te krijen. Yn myn gefal is dit de Keon makke troch Geeksphone. Dit is in saneamde Developer preview fan de telefoans dy't de manier wêrop wy ferbining meitsje mei it ynternet feroarje sil. It is folslein basearre op HTML5, css en Javascript.
Ek al is it Frysk noch net stipe op dizze telefoan, ik gean dochs troch mei it oersetten fan de nedige teksten, sadat hooplik yn de takomst, as dizze telefoans yn Nederlân komme, it wol beskikber komt.

Sa, lit ús ris sjen wat der yn it pakket sit dat ik fan Mozilla krigen haw. Myn dochter har earste fraach wie, "kin ik spylje mei de mobyl?" "Tuerlik", sei ik. Bern binne in moaie manier om funksjonaliteit en brûkersfreonlikheid te testen. Dus mei har en har freonen hawwe de Keon útpakt.

De earste blik op it pakket lit al in oar soarte fan ferpakking sjen, yn stee fan de normale platte pakketten, is de Keon ferpakke yn in kubus mei in grut tal ikoantsjes op de bûtenkant. En dizze kubus iepenet in oare trijehoekfoarmich doaske mei de telefoan deryn as oft it yn in etalaazje leit.

De telefoan fielt earst wat swier oan ek al is hy net sa grut. Ik fyn de oranje kleur wol hiel moai oerigens, it liket der op as oft dit al makke is foar de Nederlânske merke. Allinnich 3 fysike knoppen, 1 stroom en 2 foar folume. Fierder de normaal nedige saken, mikrofoan, lûdspeker, koptelefoan- en stroomoansluting.

Sa, oan de slach, wêr is de rest? No, dat is goed ferstoppe yn it trijhoekdoaske achter de telefoan.

Alle saken om te starten en de telefoan brûkber te meitsjen, lykas batterij, stroomkabel, koptelefoan, handlieding en wat reklameguod. De achterkant is maklik wei te heljen om de batterij te pleatsen en ik haw besletten om daliks myn SIM-kaart en SD-kaart der yn te setten. Alles goed berikber.

Lit ik wat libben bringe yn dizze telefoan, oan 'e stroom en hé, it start direkt op as de oan/úknop yndrukt wurdt. It liket der op dat de batterij al yn it foar laden wie. As it Geeksphone-logo en it Firefox-logo foarby komme fiel ik my al grutsk dat ik part bin fan Mozilla en dat se dit al foar inoar krigen haw, machtich wurk!
Nei it folgjen fan de First Time Usage handlieding bin ik ree om te starten. SIM-kaart is werkend en freget nei myn pinkoade.

It ûntskoatteljen is krekt wat oars as oars, mar it foarstel mei it omheechljeppende menu ûnderyn helpt daliks. Gewoan oan de Galaxy S2, mis ik de menu- en werom-knop, dy bestean net. Der is allinnich in Home-button bûten it skerm yn it midden ûnder, menu- and werom-knoppen wurde presintearre op it skerm sels ôfhinklik fan de applikaasje dy't starten wurdt. Earste yndruk is dat it skerm wat traach reagearret, mar nochris ik bin in S2 gewoan dy't rûnom de €500 kostet, de Keon is te keap foar €89. Nei wat hin en wer sleepjen (swiping) bin ik dochs wol ûnder de yndruk fan de faasje.
Mar 4 knoppen op it startskerm, 1 skerm nei links en 2 oan de rjochterkant. Alle knoppen binne makke yn in sirkel.

Dêrnei gelyk nei de ynstellingen om dit apparaat mei it ynternet te ferbinen. Nei it ynloggen, kin ik starte mei browsen mei Firefox fanôf it startskerm, floeiend. Op it linker skerm kinst keppelingen fine nei online apps te finen fia Offline Apps binne beskikber yn Firefox Marketplace.

Is dat wol mooglik basearre op Javascript? Lit ik ris in spultsje teste: Sketchbook Squad fan, in ienfâldich mar ferslaavjend spultsje en it wurket as it slydjaget, wow.

Alles mei inoar, as dit noch mar in ûntwikkeleksimplaar is, dan liket dit al hiel wat en sjoch ik út nei de úteinlike ferzje letter dit jier.

Ynteressearre om mei te helpen? Dat kin! Nim gewoanwei kontakt mei my op.

dinsdag 25 juni 2013

Unboxing my Keon to play mobile

As a Mozilla Rep and as a Localizer I was privileged to receive a FirefoxOS phone. In my case this is the Keon made by Geeksphone. This is a so called Developer preview of the phones which are going to change the way we connect to the Web. It's completely based on HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.
Although my language Frisian isn't supported yet on these phones, I continue to localize all the necessary strings, so hopefully in the near future, when these phones come to The Netherlands, it will be picked up by the providers.

So, let's see what's in the box I received from Mozilla. My daughters first question was, "can I play with the mobile?" I said, "sure". Kids are a good way to test functionality and userfriendlyness. So with her and her friends we unboxed the Keon.

First look at the box already shows a different type of packing, instead of the normal flat boxes the Keon is boxed in a cube with lots of icons on the covers. And this cube opens up another triangular box which shows the phone as it is laying in a showcase.

First touch of the phone feels a bit heavy in spite of it's size. I really love the orange colour though, somehow looks like it's made for the Dutch market already. Only 3 physical buttons, 1 power and 2 for volume. Furthermore the normal necessary things, microphone, speaker, headphone- and powerconnection.

So let's get started, where's the rest? Well, that's well hidden away in the triangular box behind the phone.

All the things to get started and make the phone usefull, like battery, powercable, headphone, manual and some swag. The cover removes easily for placing the battery and I decided to place my SIM-card and SD-card too. All pretty well accessible.

So let's bring some live into this phone, power it up and hé, it starts immediately when pushing the power button. Apparently the battery was pre-loaded. Seeing the Geeksphone-logo come by and the Firefox-logo makes me feel proud being part of Mozilla for accomplishing this, great work!
After following the First Time Usage manual I am ready to start. SIM-card is well detected and asks for my pin.

Unlocking is different, but the suggestion of the popping menu below helps right away. Being used to a Galaxy S2, I miss the menu and back-button, they don't exist. There is only a Home-button outside the screen in the middle below, menu- and back-buttons are presented on the screen itself depending on the application you started. First impression is that responsiveness of the touchscreen is a little lame, but again I am used to a S2 which costs around €500, the Keon is for sale for €89. After a little swiping around I am quite impressed with the speed though.
Only 4 buttons on the home-screen, 1 screen to the left and 2 to the right. All buttons are made in a circle.

Jumping right to the Settings to hook this thing up to the Internet. After logging in, I can start browsing with Firefox from the Home-screen, fluently. On the left screen you can find links to online apps to be found with Offline Apps are available in Firefox Marketplace. Is that even possible based on Javascript? So let's test a game: Sketchbook Squad by, a simple but addictive game and it works like a charm, wow.

All in all, if this is only a Developer preview, this already looks very promising and am looking forward for the final release later this year.